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Hear His Voice Prayer Room


Thank you for considering to partner with us in Prayer.

Paul the Apostle commands us to pray continually in the spirit with all sorts of prayer. 1Thessalonian 5:17 and Eph. 6:18.

In obedience, we acknowledge that God is sending us to Uganda.  To bring Him praise, we must remain in His will. Through prayer, we demonstrate our dependance on God alone to do what He wants us to do for His people through the special enablement of the Holy Spirit.  Please join us by praying for the following areas:

PRay for July mission Trip.  

A team of four will be traveling to Uganda during the months of July and August as our first step towards launching the ministry. 


Praise and Thanksgiving

Please specifically thank God for:

  1. The continual growth of our team!

  2. The funds that have been raised. 

  3. The safe travel to Uganda. The team arrived safely on July 4th. 


Please also pray:

  1. that the Lord enables us to bless others through our service this summer and that, through this

  2. for fundraising process that we shall be able to raise all the funds necessary for the trip.  

  3. that God will prepare our hearts and the hearts of the people we are going to meet in Uganda for his work.

  4. That the team will be physically and mentally  healthy    throughout the trip. Pray also for the safety of people of Uganda. The US issued a warning of a specific terror threat by an unknown group at the only country's international Airport this week

  5. Pray for the Mukaayas family as they continue to figure out care for their CI user child.

The Establishment of the Rehab Center in Kampala

  1. Pray that the LORD grants us wisdom discernment for our future goals of establishing a new, unique program for the deaf in Uganda.  Please

  2. Pray for on going mobilization of resources needed for the establishment of center.

  3. Pray that the people will be open to God has laid on our hearts to bring to them in this unique way of demonstrating the Love of the Gospel despite the social stigma that is always associated with deafness.

  4. Pray for the registration process of the Non profit that it will be smooth and quick.



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